black and white bed linen

Capacitação Profissional

Transforme sua carreira com nosso programa de apostila técnica em HVAC e eficiência energética.

Capacitação Profissional

Transformamos a experiência de aprendizado dos refrigeristas com eficiência.

An outdoor air conditioning unit is mounted on a textured wall with various pipes and electrical conduits running above it. The unit is labeled GREE and is connected to a green hose. Below, several empty black plastic crates are stacked haphazardly on a rough concrete surface.
An outdoor air conditioning unit is mounted on a textured wall with various pipes and electrical conduits running above it. The unit is labeled GREE and is connected to a green hose. Below, several empty black plastic crates are stacked haphazardly on a rough concrete surface.
Apostila Técnica

Ferramentas para o crescimento e eficiência energética.

Numerous air conditioning units are densely packed on the exterior wall of a multi-story building. The image shows a very urban setting, with a grid-like arrangement of metal platforms supporting the units. Adjacent to this setup is a zigzagging metal staircase, leading to various floors of the building. The overall appearance is industrial and cluttered.
Numerous air conditioning units are densely packed on the exterior wall of a multi-story building. The image shows a very urban setting, with a grid-like arrangement of metal platforms supporting the units. Adjacent to this setup is a zigzagging metal staircase, leading to various floors of the building. The overall appearance is industrial and cluttered.
Sustentabilidade Energética

Promovendo práticas sustentáveis em climatização e eficiência.

Two outdoor air conditioning units, one branded Samsung and the other LG, are positioned side by side against a light-colored wall. They are surrounded by green plants and have metal pipes extending upward. The scene is partially obscured by green fence bars.
Two outdoor air conditioning units, one branded Samsung and the other LG, are positioned side by side against a light-colored wall. They are surrounded by green plants and have metal pipes extending upward. The scene is partially obscured by green fence bars.
A monochromatic image showcasing a series of industrial air conditioning units stacked vertically against the side of a building. The units have a grid-like design on top, and metal railings can be seen alongside them, creating geometric patterns of light and shadow.
A monochromatic image showcasing a series of industrial air conditioning units stacked vertically against the side of a building. The units have a grid-like design on top, and metal railings can be seen alongside them, creating geometric patterns of light and shadow.
Mercado Competitivo

Preparando profissionais para um futuro promissor e sustentável.

Eficiência Energética

Capacitação para uso eficiente de energia em sistemas.